If you are a mom, you will appreciate my love/hate relationship with Legos. I love that my boys play for hours on end, creating amazing sculptures and designs. It's the essence of boyhood. However my love fades if I step on one, have to look at pile of "don't touch mom, we have plans for those" for five days straight or need to pull one out of the dog's mouth. Legos also challenge my time management. I rarely sit and always have a long list of to do's. It never fails that a child needs help looking for a piece when I am scrubbing the toilet, rushing to slap PB&J on some bread or save the clean laundry from the slimey mouth of the family dog. (do you get the feeling my dog likes to eat things that are not food?) Really it's not my time management that is challenged. It's my inability to sit still and play with my children - my inabilty to put the important things first.
On this particular day, I was lesson planning and the smallest of not so small boys had presisted with interupting at least four times. Finally, he took my face in his growing boyish hands and said, "Mama, it's important to me." I literally forgot to breath. I looked into his beautiful little face and fell in love with him all over again. I knew, that if I wanted him to know how important he was to me then I had to pause and pursue what was important to him.
The delightful moment was quickly replaced with dread when I was informed that the small piece was the only one they owned in a bucket of millions. (I exaggerate not!) I dug and dumped and sifted. I prayed for patience, for love and that I would find that gosh darn minuscule but oh so important piece. As I hunted the Lord began to speak to me about how important the miniscule is to Him.
He left the 99 to find the one. Luke 15:4
He captures my tears in a bottle. Pslam 56:8
His eye is on the sparrow. Matthew 6:26
I have felt unimportant and questioned my worth. Do my words matter? Am I good enough? Does anybody notice? In a bucket filled with millions can I be found? Jesus says yes. I do matter and He notices.
Needless to say, by the miraculous and gracious hand of God I found that piece and was hero for the day. God knew in that small moment of looking for and finding a lego I would know His love and Canon would know mine. Don't bypass the small or be too busy for the minuscule in your life. The Lord wants you to know you matter. You are noticed. You are important. You are loved.
Kelly. I challenge you to print off directions for a lego that you have but is taken apart in the bucket of loose parts. You are like me and will want it completed with all it's pieces. I never did this until recently. It's maddening when you can't find a piece to finish the project. I had to apologize to my kids for all the pieces that I sucked up willingly in the vacuum. I didn't really realize until I tried to build one on my own how important all the little pieces are. I thought one was similar to an other. It really is a lesson all lego parents should have to learn early on. Especially now that our legos are worth a fortune..... if we had all the pieces to them.
ReplyDeleteI guess, I don't know how to use this thing. This is Tami L.